Canine Security Functions
Patrols and Checking: Our best canine security team carries out the patrolling of the area while monitoring potentially high-risk areas and main entry points. Moreover, the canine acts as a repellent against any unknown presence of a person.
Response to Unusual Activity: Our security dogs are trained well to notice any suspicious activity that may take place at the site. K4 handlers are also responsive in case of any situation where they have to quickly deal with the established protocols.
Access Control: Our K9 units also make sure that all visitors going in and out are supervised. This includes checking their identities and if any unauthorized person tries to enter, the client is quickly informed before allowing them inside.
Strong Canine Presence: The presence of canines tightens the security on-site and restricts the possibility of invaders trying to break in. Canines also protect your property or buildings from any suspicious activity or presence.